Married Forever

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Boundaries In Marriage
Four more Sundays that will help change your marriage

Part Three
Resolving Conflict in Marriage
Session Ten
Three's a Crowd
Protecting Your Marriage from Intruders

When the Outside Isn't an Intruder

"Marriage was not designed to be the source of all life for us."

What sin is it when we look to our spouse to be our source of all life?

"Marriage is not designed to repair the brokenness of it partners..."

"Marriage simply does not have all the resources a couple needs"

"Spouses aren't always the safest places to go for certain aspects of our souls"


A Word of Caution

"All good marriages need outside support"

What would be a good source for outside support?

What kind of people should a married couple avoid?

"Your sources of love should not be helping you but also be helping you love your mate"


The Intruder as a Symptom of Marriage Struggles

Jerry & Macia's story (page 153)

"Often the intruder is the result, or symptom, of another issue in marriage"
Dates to look forward to...
September 23, 2006 Couples Fellowship Location TBA
September 24, October 1, 8 & 15 Start of Session 13-16
October 28, 2006 Couples Fellowship Location TBA
November 5, 12, 19 & 26 Couples Sunday Classes restart
December Couples minstry off
January 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2007 Couples Sunday Classes restart
February 9 & 10, 2007 Couples Get-away Retreat Location TBA

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sample of Boundaries in Marriage Session

Session Seven
Value Five – Compassion and Forgiveness

In Class Assignment Due Today:

Think about how all the wonderful things you love about your spouse. Think of all the wonderful qualities that you admire and that attracted you to them when you first met.

Now take a about 5 minutes and write them down.



Now tell your spouse this;

"Honey, although it will be unintentional I guarantee you I will fail you and disappoint you again.

Open Discussion

"We can expect failure from eve the best of people in our lives...No failure is larger than grace."

"There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins." (Ecclesiastes 7:20)

The Bible says, "Love covers over a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8)

How is your attitude

1. When our spouse does something that is inferior to our ideal standard?


2. When your spouse hurts or fails you in some way?


Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtures put on love, which binds them all together inperfect unity." (Colossians 3:12-14)

Let's talk about tenderheartedness

1. An identification with __________ and ____________

2. An Identification with _____________________

3. A Willingness to Become ________________________ again

4. A Willingness to _______________

Discussion of Trustworthiness


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Get ready for the time of your life

The following outline is the one used in our class. If you have the Boundaries in Marriage book you can follow along fine. To pick up a copy see the Family Christian Store link to the left.

Boundaries In Marriage
Information that will help change your marriage

Instructor - Pastor Cedric Reynolds (909) 263-4569
Assistants – Jon & Debbie Ciotti

Boundaries In Marriage
Four More Sundays that will help change your marriage

Session Five

Value One Love of God
Value Two Love of Your Spouse

“People who always want to be happy and pursue it above all else are some of the most miserable people in the world.”

Happiness is a fruit of a lot of hard work in relationships, career, spiritual growth, or a host of other arenas of life. But nowhere is this as true as in marriage.

The Big Picture

What kind of person are you?

1. The kind who focuses on what you want and always desires it and never attains it
2. The kind who focuses on what it takes to obtain what you want.

Stand against anything in yourself or your spouse hat would destroy your values.

Love of God

What does love mean to you?_______________________________________________

The love that builds a marriage is the kind of love God has for us. It is called “agape.” Agape is love that seeks the welfare of the other. It is love that has nothing to do with how someone is gratifying us at the moment.

Love of your Spouse

Scott & Maria's Story


What does it mean to love someone “as yourself” in marriage?


